Sunday, December 30, 2007


No, only joking but starting to add up the cost of Christmas and its making me wince!

Spent yesterday in bed, throwing up all day which wasn't very nice; Duncan did the same the day before that, so I've him to thank! But it must've been a 24 hour thing because we're both ok now; kids seemed to bypass it, thank God!

So, today, despite Duncan's best efforts to keep the home fires burning yesterday (mmm.) the house was in a absolute tip. I hate itty bitty tidy ups, but as those of you who know me, know well, I LOVE a big I cleaned and cleaned and the kids got the chance to be total lazy gits all day (spent most of it trying to decapitate each other with Swingball).

Then this evening I took them to see "Enchanted" in Neapoli at our little local cinema and I have to say it was BRILL. Yes, a kiddie film but great fun esp. the cockroaches!!

We hadn't realised it but tonight was the annual Santa Grotto night in the park opposite the cinema so we nipped in and 'saw Santa'; aka Katerina's hubby methinks. Katerina tried to tempt me onto the Happy train (a motorised train that normally runs in the summer as a tourist attraction, but it set up as Santa's train at the moment) but I'd promised the film to the kids and there was no swaying them.
To be honest, Ella is now just entering that 'extreme embarrassment' stage and she shot me such an agonised look! Oh, where have all the years gone? I remember her as a baby so vividly and now we are almost at teenage angst and she is only 8!!!
We were the only people in the cinema; just as well as Theo didn't stop talking, and I gave out quite a few big laughs. We all enjoyed it; Duncan says it 'sounded good but he is still glad he stayed at home, listening to house music!!!'
New Years Eve tomorrow; wheres everyone off to then? We're going to the village taverna as we have no babysitter so its all or nothing; Ella excited actually and Theo will just fall asleep under some coats. Dom's an angel and will go off soundo in his pram about 10.
Or at least that's the plan...........!!

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