Monday, March 31, 2008


Happy Birthday to Ella; 9 today; how the years fly.

After a reluctant morning at school; Ella had a little birthday tea of pizza and birthday cake. She got her hearts desire of a phone (and a phone cake I made). She also got a tamagotchi (complete with incomprehensible instructions) and some lovely new clothes.

We all had a lovely day.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well we've had a busy time of it; not all good! We had NO water in the village for 6 days; our emergency tank lasted for the first two then we made do with 35litre drums that Dunc brought home from work each evening. Dom is here in the 'green bath'. Believe or not I too had a 'bath' in it; No photos available though!!! You can imagine the luxury when it came back on; 3 hours in the bath that night!
Theo and Ella did their speeches beautifully; As they were unhelpfully at the same time (Grr!) I went up to Ellas in the big school and mum saw Theos in the nursery school. Here he is in all his Greek Solider glory; how gorgeous is he?!!!!!!! Ella looking very grownup ; she spoke very well; I was proud.
On Tuesday (Independence Day) mum and I took the kids out for the day as there was no school; we went to a popular village called Kritsa; just ambled around really. But Theo saw a motorbike that really took his fancy; he is already asking when he will be old enough to have one of his own (Duncan's genetic doing me thinks!!) Doesn't he look cool; poseur.

Well Dom won't thank me for posting this photo when he is older but he looked so cute I wanted to share; this was him this morning wearing Daddy's cricket hat and white vest "his quintessential English man" look.

Off bowling on Saturday for Ellas 9th Birthday; time flies eh? Weather hotting up nicely. Starting work in just over a month, first tourists soon to arrive and life is gearing up for summer mode; lovely!

Take care and come on guys; where's all the comments please; let me know you're out there!
xxx Leonie

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well, after Kite Day, things settled back down; the weather continues to be beautiful so we have been out and about; am posting pics of the weekend when we walked to a nearby village; Theo is convinced he is a gorilla at the moment; see pic "roaring on the wall".

Despite his ape fantasy, he is really coming on well with his English reading and writing, though yesterday afternoon, it all became too much, and, believe it or not, he fell asleep at the table, with me sitting right beside him; mmm! maybe its my teaching style!

Dom is coming along great; latest update on infected eye is that the docs want to wait and see at the moment; cosmetically it is not great but his vision is unaffected so unless there is a another infection, they want to leave well alone until the final surgery at age four. But, as you can see, he is a happy chap, despite the heavy cold he had had; he even took time out to 'help' me with the housework!

Well, Ella gets her next 3 monthly grades on Friday (fingers crossed) and on Monday it is a special day in Crete; Independence day so Theo and Ella both have 'peemas' (speeches). Theo is to be dressed up as a traditional Greek soldier (he is abit wary about the 'skirt' and the fact he has to wear a pair of Ella's white tights! I just keep stressing the word 'soldier' and hope he doesn't mutiny on the day!) Watch this space for photo overload!!!!

Well that's about it for tonight; Duncan is out watching the footy; can't complain; I had a lovely treat yesterday; went with mum to Heraklion and went round all the lovely shops in the centre until closing time. Bought some summer clothes for the kids and a pair of shorts fro myself so roll on summer I say! Didn't get in till nearly 11pm after a Macs (Woohoo!) . It was SO nice to go out just as me with another woman and look at lots of nice stuff, without toting moaning kids around :)

xx Take care!


Hi all,

As the title reads, it seems I am only managing a blog every fortnight at the mo...but like you all, I seem to be constantly snowed under by life in general; I have even stopped writing myself lists as it is too depressing; now, if something it important enough I seem to remember it; if not, well thems the breaks!

Here posting some pictures, as promised, of "Katharo Deftera" or "Clean Monday" when everyone decamps to local beaches with bar-b-q's and fly kites. We had a lovely time, with mum and dad, and friends, Paul and Paula amongst others who popped in to say Hi and have a quick beer. Duncan enjoyed his 'Jamie' moment with the barbie. Theo brought all his prehistoric friends and Dom kicked back and quaffed his milk with Paula at the helm!

A GREAT day.

Continue to next post..........

Friday, March 7, 2008


Hi all,
Sorry I've been so lax at blogging recently, but a quick update as follows....!

Dominic's eye is not getting fully better; on the 12th we go back to the hospital and a decision will be made whether to re operate on the eye; it seems like the Gortex is 'cheesewiring' through the tissue and so the eyelid is slowly drooping again. Poor old Dom; will keep you all informed....

On a lighter note; it has been carnival time here in Crete; last Sunday was carnival in Neapoli (see photos of main square all decked out and Ella & Theo dressed up). Last night was the school party; all the parents and kids, a huge sound system and a roaring bar-b-q. Despite a 30 minute electricity blackout, a good time was had by all. I got very drunk (BAD mother) and today have felt truly ill; serves me right.
Today the kids had half day and a party at school. Sunday is Malia carnival; mum is planning to take the two bigger ones and I am having a spring clean. Bet Duncan can't wait! Hee Hee!

The highlight of this week of celebration is 'Clean Monday' (this coming Monday) when we all decamp to the beach with around 1000 others for bar-b-q and kite flying. The last 3 years have been great fun so fingers crossed the weather is like today; warm and windy. I'll take the camera and fill you in next week.

Dominic, despite the eye, is coming along leaps and bounds. He is in love with the 'Wiggles' at the moment; I'm posting some photos of him staring up at the TV ; he is looking set to continue the great male Giddings tradition of TV GAZING (sort of like a modern take of fire gazing I suppose!!)
Ella is becoming quite the lady; she is pictured here having a pedicure as an early birthday present from the lovely 'Sue the foot' our chiropodist. Note the 'posh lady of leisure' face!!
Hope you are all well? Quite a few of you are coming out this year - can't wait to see you all !!

xxx Leonie