Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well we've had a busy time of it; not all good! We had NO water in the village for 6 days; our emergency tank lasted for the first two then we made do with 35litre drums that Dunc brought home from work each evening. Dom is here in the 'green bath'. Believe or not I too had a 'bath' in it; No photos available though!!! You can imagine the luxury when it came back on; 3 hours in the bath that night!
Theo and Ella did their speeches beautifully; As they were unhelpfully at the same time (Grr!) I went up to Ellas in the big school and mum saw Theos in the nursery school. Here he is in all his Greek Solider glory; how gorgeous is he?!!!!!!! Ella looking very grownup ; she spoke very well; I was proud.
On Tuesday (Independence Day) mum and I took the kids out for the day as there was no school; we went to a popular village called Kritsa; just ambled around really. But Theo saw a motorbike that really took his fancy; he is already asking when he will be old enough to have one of his own (Duncan's genetic doing me thinks!!) Doesn't he look cool; poseur.

Well Dom won't thank me for posting this photo when he is older but he looked so cute I wanted to share; this was him this morning wearing Daddy's cricket hat and white vest "his quintessential English man" look.

Off bowling on Saturday for Ellas 9th Birthday; time flies eh? Weather hotting up nicely. Starting work in just over a month, first tourists soon to arrive and life is gearing up for summer mode; lovely!

Take care and come on guys; where's all the comments please; let me know you're out there!
xxx Leonie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, love the Theo/Bike pic. He's a right little poseur isn't he! Glad to hear the weathers hotting up nicely. Not long to go til holiday time now ;-)