Thursday, December 13, 2007


Dunc has just walked by and said, I hope your'e not putting any pictures of me on. Ha Ha. I have decided that if I'm going to do this, its got to be honest and real. I'm not wasting my time writing a load of lies. Whatever I write might be rubbish but it will at least have the ring of truth!

But I have to say, this blogging it harder that it looks. I am so 'anal' that I feel I have to have a beginning, middle and end. So to jump in like this is tough. But anyway. Ohh! Coffee and a cake. Made a batch of 24 cupcakes about 7pm and theres about 10 left. I fool myself into how economical home made cakes are, and then trough the lot in one evening.

Maybe I should do what my mum did when I was kid; she bought Garibaldi biscuits, and that way no one ever ate them.

Same with choc tree decorations; I bought two packs of 12 from Carrefour in Heraklion on Tues night. Put one pack on the tree and the other 'artistically' arranged on a christmas plate. Well the christmas plate is now empty and the tree has lots of empty strings with little bits of shiny foil attached. There might just be one lurking at the back if your'e lucky.

The tree itself is nice though this year. Although it is on a coffee table, which in turn, is nailed (I kid you not) to another coffee table. So the tree is practically touching the ceiling.
But what to do when you have little cruising Dom, with his grabby little hands?

Scary thought but it won't be long now; in the last week he has taken quite a few independent steps; earlier this evening, he crossed the sitting room alone (about 8 steps)!
He has his pead. check at hospital early Jan 08 and it will be great to have him walk in there!

Right, just had a brilliant idea; I'm going to create a list of things that one day, one by one, I'll get round to blogging about. That way, when I have had a totally boring day, with nothing to write about, I'll choose a topic instead. Great idea eh?!

1 comment:

marcusmuck said...

Hey! Great Blog! Almost feel I'm 'there'! I still don't know what a 'blog' is supposed to be yet so you're doing well....