Monday, December 17, 2007


So happy today; went up to the school to collect Ella's grades. She is in 'triti' - 3rd year of junior school and this is the first year that is graded. Each year there are 3 grade 'times'; today was the first, then spring, then before she breaks up for summer next year.

Here in Greece, if you do not get good grades you must retake the year!

Well I have to be honest, when we moved here, one of my greatest fears was that I would be compromising my childrens education by leaving the UK. I am happy to say that I have never felt this; the education here is, I feel comparable to the UK and I do not think that there are the same peer pressures and bullying that seems rife in many areas in England.


She got 7 A's (excellent) and 2 B's (very good). The B's were in Geography and Religious Education. The A's were in Maths, Reading/Writing, History, Art,Music, English (!!) and Literature.

I am SO proud of her!!!!

Here is a picture of her just after receiving her grades; if she doesnt look too happy, I think its because she is embarassed about her mum whipping out the camera at school!!

Good day; then slightly marred by having to put together the most complicated Fantastic Four Lego set in the world!!

Oh well...can't win them all.

Found out my friends 12 year old dog died last night; She was very old but what a gap there must be in their lives now. Poor them :(


1 comment:

marcusmuck said...

Well done Ella!! Clever girl.