Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Hi everyone...

After blogging for about an hour about our Christmas day and boxing day shenanigans, i posted some pictures i wanted to some of them needed rotating, I did this on my computer, then attempted to delete the first, incorrect photos i had added
Guess what?! I deleted the whole blog!!!

So next time, I will just leave well alone and you can all crick your necks looking at the photos sideways!

Anyway, now the pint sized version...

Got up super early (before the kids) to go onto the M&S sale (is nothing sacred?!); got some bargains (thanks Karen!).
Kids ran downstairs about 7 and made short work of their stockings.
Dad got here about 11.30 but which time the kids were about to mutiny (no present opening until grandad gets here) but it gave me a good start on the dinner.
Which incidentally was very nice; dad had made a real effort this year, he brought lamb, which together with a lovely roast chicken and sausages, made a change from the usual dry turkey. Lots of veg and yummy roasties; bliss.
Dad also made mince pies and a lattice pie but the kids disregarded these delicacies in favour on their selection packs; some things never change!
We had a big mad present opening for about 2 hours; the big ones seemed really happy with what they got and Dom loved all the rustly paper and bright colours. Dad was nice and laid back and was happy to watch the kids and reminisce about 'when he was a lad' (will I do this I wonder?)
After dinner we just loafed around as you do. But it was a lovely day; lots of people rang to wish us including mum, who the children really missed actually; I think now they are getting older, people start to mean more to them. And I certainly missed her help with the washing up!

Boxing Day - a chance for Ella and Theo to try out their new toys; Dominic has discovered his pop-on building blocks table actually makes a brilliant walker instead. Theo has nicked his Curious George CD and claimed it as his own! Ella is alternating between Joni Mitchell episodes on her guitar and recorder (with Dominic cheerfully providing accompaniment with his xylophone) and being super sporty with her in line skates.

Duncan took them to the park to try out Theo's football goal, Ella got the hang of skating and when they got back we all had a go at Swingball in the garden, though I am sure Duncan's main objective was to knock me out.

This evening (after the traditional grotty left over meal) we played Twister (better with a carpet me thinks) and then after the boys went to bed, Ella, Duncan and I had great fun with the UNO extreme; I got my own back for the Swingball...

So, I try again now to post some photos for you all to share..hope everyone I know and love had a good Christmas.



marcusmuck said...

Love the piccie of Dom with the hat!!

marcusmuck said...

I'm a bit miffed as on the original blog I was mentioned twice!! No mention of me on the new one.....

Thankfully I was emailed it before my PC-illiterate Sister deleted it.

"Christmas day was the usual chaotic tiring fun. For the fourth year running, Ella's nerves and excitement got the better of her and she was sick ALL over herself and her bed at about 11pm Christmas Eve.
Santa had already been so we hustled her back up the stairs; I showered Ella, Duncan stripped and remade the bed; its a routine we have off pat now!
After that, the effects of the Baileys had worn off so I went to bed, knowing we had a busy day....

Christmas Day;I woke at about 6 am; now for anyone who knows me, I am NOT a lark; I love my bed but I remembered that the M&S sale was starting (Christmas Day? Is nothing sacred?!). The children were still asleep so I crept down and took the golden opportunity of ordering lots of bargains (thanks Karen!).

Within half an hour they ran down and make short work of their stockings; so be 8.30 were badgering me about grandad; i.e. when was he arriving. They knew they had to wait for him before opening the mound of pressies under the tree.

Ha Ha, what torture for them. Grandad arrived about 11.30 ; they just about allowed him to remove his bike helmet before delving in....

Theo's biggest hits were his Powerangers costume (thanks uncle Marky) and, funnily enough a 10euro hot wheels truck. To be honest, I think he is overwhelmed by all the presents and I think only over the next few weeks will he really get to play with it all and enjoy it all fully.

Ella definately loves her in line skates and within the day was vastly improved; she has obviously inherited Dunc's more sporty nature! The house is also 'alive' (polite euphamism) with the sound of her new guitar and recorder, supplimented by Dom with his xylophone and cymbals.

Dom loved everything; from his bubbles to his pop-on table; a new handy walker! He slept through Christmas dinner; to be honest I think his food consumption yesterday consisted of Kinder chocolate and pringles. Oh well, one day won't hurt!

Dad was lovely and relaxed; enjoyed watching the children and seems happy enough with the dinner; he himself had made alot of effort this year; he made mince pies and a lattice cake, cooked and brought some lovely lamb; hunted out some cranberry jelly and even supplied us with some new wine glasses!

Lots of people called to wish us inc. Marc and some of Duncans family. Mum called from Uncle Arnies; the kids really missed her, as did we all but I reminded them of our first Christmas dinner last week. We videoed quite a bit to show her what we had got up to on the day.

Dad left about 7pm as it began to get quite cold and Theo went to bed quite willingly; he does seem to need his sleep; Ella went later, clutching her Guiness Book of Records and her Atomic Kitten cd!!

Duncan & I simply vegged after a mammoth washing up session; Dom went off to bed quite happily, I read my big christmas treat of Marie Claire and we half watched a movie....


Ashamed to say, I had a lay in this morning that went into double figures...Kids played with toys; Duncan put Swingball up in the garden and we all had hysterics; Duncan, I am convinced, delibarately trying to knock me out!

Duncan took the kids to the park to try out the new football goal and Ella got some more practice in with her skates; her friend Adonis was down the park and is now going to ask Santa for inline skates (greek children generally receive their presents on New Years Day).

Watched a naff but nice film 'Short circuit', had an admittedly grotty 'left over' dinner and Theo/Dominic went to bed after a couple of madcap games of Twister!

Duncan, Ella and I cracked open UNO Extreme; Ella already has the Polly pocket UNO card game which she and I play regularly; but UNO Extreme is far far better; we had such a laugh; I always seemed to end up shafting Duncan into picking up a huge handful, just as he'd called UNO! Great fun. A couple of glasses of wine has left me nice and mellow; so am now blogging whilst Dunc watches tv.

Shame he has to go off to work tommorow :( I like having him around and I know the kids do, although they haven't actually been brilliantly behaved so far this 'christmas holiday'. Sometimes I think that 'too much' is a bad thing. But its only once a year.......

Well, hope that anyone reading this has had a great Christmas. Love and best wishes for the new year.


Cretemum said...

Sorry Mr Computer Geek.

marcusmuck said...

I notice dad showing Ella his musical knowledge......