Friday, December 14, 2007

Oh, go on then, just a quick one!

Picture of Kelly (Summer 06?) Picture of Big Bro, Marc ; Somewhere in UK?

Quick blog that is! have just finished quite a good book; The Righteous Men; I think the subject;
Hassidic Jewish Religion and way of life is quite an interesting topic.

Then I was going to bed but I thought I'd post a few lines.

Woke to find a text, Maria from Sissi had her baby last night. Congrats Maria! A little boy, 3.5kg. Sure she'll be a great mum. Would've liked to pop up the hospital to see her but a) I don't like Agios Nikolaos hospital; too many bad memories/vibes and b) didn't want to take my snuffly little Dominic there.

Still not got a date for Dom's operation but already looking ahead and trying to keep him healthy; they won't do op if he has a cold etc.

Duncan spent tonight wrapping presents. Ella stayed up late watching the 'film of the moment'' Titanic, then went to bed to listen to Celine Dion. Duncan reckons I am poisoning his children with my musical taste. Theo was singing '9 to 5' the other day. But I say, abit of Dolly never hurt anyone.

Kids quite whingy this afternoon. I was glad when Dunc got home then I got all grumpy. Stomped off to the dentist; yippee! I've been going since March, but now finally finished. Paid up too!!
Considering he is private, he is pretty cheap and good too; very methodical. I shudder to think what he would have cost in the UK. And he gives us all check ups free too so I take the kids every few months.
Poor old Kelly, Yanni, her son is in hospital too with a mystery bug. He seems fine now she says but we all know what the hospitals are like here; uber careful and keep you in forever. In the UK, they send you home to die! Ha Ha; where's the happy medium??

Ella's going out with grandma tomorrow in Heraklion shopping and hopefully to do some skating on the artificial ice rink they had up last year for Christmas. fingers crossed its open this year.
I might take Theo to the aquarium here as Ella has already been with the school.

(As I am reading the above, it paints a really 'English' picture of Crete; ice skating and aquariums. As if!! These are BIG Christmas treats. To put things in perspective; the entry fee for the aquarium is a days wage for us.)

But Duncan and I are doing our usual; when we have money we spend it and when we don't, we promise that when we do, we'll save.

We finally (applied in March) got the 3 child benefit money from one of the Greek govt. agencies. I think it is kept pretty quiet. Luckily a Greek friend put me onto it. I went in March to the Greek equiv. of CAB (KEP). They are about as helpful as a poke in the eye, here in Neapoli.

The woman informed me that I was not eligible; massively anti foreigner. I thought, yes, but I AM eligible to pay tax, aren't I?? Anyway, this is not a big 'chip on shoulder' rant; I CAN see both sides but to cut a long story short, I applied and on Thursday, the postie came round with a wad of cash (can you see that in the UK???) and counted it out; 4558 euros!!

Theo was home from school and when he saw all that cash he piped up ' mum, now we're rich can we go to Disneyland'. Yeah right Theo; sadly it all went the next day to pay the IKA (tax) bill, long overdue on our restoration of our house.

I will also get further amounts every 2 months until Dom is 6 which can't be bad. I am not however, tempted to have child no. 4; even though you do then qualify for a new car and 10 litres of olive oil a month (apparently).

Anyway I'll try now and post a picture or two from my 'back files'. When I get this long awaited camera, I will inundate you all with some up to date pics.

p.s. Good on my bro, who started his own blog tonight. I'll pick his brains on how to link blogs so you can compare sibling styles; the Brontes have a lot to learn!!

x night.
P.s c

1 comment:

marcusmuck said...

Hey- what would anyone do with 10 litres of Olive Oil?? That's a lot of salads....