Sunday, January 20, 2008


Hi All,
No, I haven't forgotten my blog but been so busy and nothing nice to report anyway!

Dom is still set for surgery on the 30th however...he has managed to get a nasty skin infection (impetigo) so is on antibiotics to try and clear because he can't have surgery with that obviously...

Plus last week he fell over, and cut his tongue; what seemed at first to be just a nick turned out to be a great big cut which has now healed up without going back flat so he has a big sticking up bit; which the doctor now reckons will need sorting out at a later date. We are trying to arrange the oral surgeon to look at it whilst he is out for the count for the eye op...

It never rains but it pours...

My dad has found a beautiful English Setter which he obviously cannot keep so I have managed to entangle myself with a rehoming plan to take the dog to Germany so up early in the morning to take the dog for his injections....more stress but hoping I will get a much needed feel good factor buzz...

Nothing much else to report; just countdown to operation really, can't concentrate on anything else..

Hope all you out there are well?

Love Leonie

p.s. posting a pic of rescued dog....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Leonie. Poor Dom is well in the wars isn't he? Poor little fella. Hope things get better for him and you after his op. Well done on rescuing the English Setter! Nice one.

You know who ;-)