Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hi All
Nothing to quite nice considering the month; nothing like you guys in the UK are having (my heart bleeds for you!)

Lots of crochet projects on the go but nothing finished yet to wow you with!
Off to Jumbo (think Toys-r-us) for carnival costumes tommorow; God knows what the kids will end up with but I'll take some pictures to show you all.

Theo walked into a lampost today and has a wonderful egg size bruise on his head, poor love, plus a sore throat so might keep him at home tommorow.
I got a wonderful new (to me) sewing machine (thanks Jean!) so I am very happy; going to make some curtains soon...
Ella's new Ipod seems to have been lost in transit....Grrr! I see purchase number 3 coming up; I should have bought shares in Apple....AND Dom threw her Tamagotchi into my (full) mop bucket so thats another purchase for us Rothchilds (not).
But the happy house continues to be...happy and hope you are all too...
BTW Happy Birthday to my lovely niece Evie G who was 5 yesterday and good luck to my brother and his wife who will be welcoming their twins (boy/girl) into the world on Tuesday 17th. So sad I won't be there :( but will be thinking of them all.
xx Leonie